Trip Updates

July 2, 2024
2024 Grand Western Tour

Welcome to 'Emerald City'

Seattle, WA to Seattle WA

Today is another great day on the western tour!!! Our happy students went on a crazy adventure through the wonderful city of Seattle! We started our morning with a driving bus tour of Seattle.

We stopped at some cool locations including a gasification plant!

We drove all around the city, learning lots of new things about Seattle. After the driving tour we stopped and went to Pike Place Market! We split into our counselor groups and got lunch and were able to explore the market area. Some groups even got to try homemade dumplings!

We split by gender for the end of our afternoon and the girls went shopping while the guys had an amazing time at an arcade near the water. We walked back to the hotel and got ready to walk to the amazing space needle!

We took an elevator to the top of the space needle and could see over the entire city!

We ended our evening at Ivar’s Salmon House for dinner then returned to the hotel for bed!

Blog written by Leo Pieraccini!