Trip Updates

June 29, 2024
2024 Grand Western Tour

The Mountains Are Calling And I Must Go!

Jackson, WY to Jackson, WY

It is day 11 here in Jackson Hole, Wyoming and we are enjoying every minute of it! This morning, we had the opportunity to either climb up the famous Snow King mountain on a hiking trail or ride the gondolas up to the top. A brave band of students and counselors took on the task of doing the steep hike and successfully made it to the top!

They then, along with those who took the gondolas, got to enjoy the beautiful views of the Teton mountains and beyond. After enjoying the views and the collective gondola ride back down to the town, we were given the opportunity to enjoy a relaxing free day.

We were free to explore the town, peruse the shops and chow down on some delicious Wyoming meals. We even saw a groundhog!

All in all, we had a fantastic day of exploration and excitement and we cannot wait to visit Yellowstone National Park and the natural beauties it holds!

Blog written by Michael Goodmon!