Trip Updates

July 6, 2024
2024 Grand Western Tour

San Fun-cisco

San Francisco, CA to San Francisco, CA

We started off the day by taking a boat over to visit Alcatraz. We did an audio tour that led us around, and we saw many of the cells, the dining hall and even the recreation yard.

After touring Alcatraz we left the island and went back to the pier on the mainland. Everyone got lunch at the pier and walked around. My friends and I ate at a seafood place which had really good fried shrimp.

We walked back to the hotel and chilled for a little bit then headed to the Golden Gate Bridge where we walked across some of it.

Next went to Sausalito, and everyone walked around for a little bit before going back to the hotel again. At the hotel we got ready to go see the Oakland v. Baltimore game where we enjoyed hot dogs and nachos. Some people even got some Athletic’s merch! Oakland ended by losing by 1. Overall it was a very fun and exciting day!

Blog written by Lewis White!