Trip Updates

June 21, 2024
2024 Grand Western Tour

Ride the Rapids of Adventure!

Colorado Springs, CO to Durango, CO

We started off bright and early, and for some people that meant racing to pack their bags up again, after our first multi-night stay. Others enjoyed a peaceful breakfast of waffles, bagels, and eggs, and walked outside to get on the bus as the sun rose above the Rockies. All of us set out from Colorado Springs on a five hour drive to Durango for a new hotel and white water rafting. Together we watched a plethora of comedies, competed in crazy 8s, and watched the majestic mountains rise from the Colorado plains. We curved through the strenuous mountain roads with beautiful views.

We stopped for lunch at Subway and ate our subs on the bus. Once we got to Durango, we checked into our hotel early, changed, and then set out for whitewater rafting on the Animas River.

We triumphed through the start of monsoon season on our rafts but still persisted to our goal of a fun time! Guides did flips and we all screamed and sang as we flew down the river. In retrospect, the river was a fantastic adventure and a lot of fun!

After returning to the hotel, we all showered and ventured to a nearby Mexican restaurant.

After dinner, we experienced a pretty night on the town lit up by the beautiful fairy lights before retiring to our rooms for some relaxation!

Blog written by Elliott Spiller!