Trip Updates

July 4, 2024
2024 Grand Western Tour

Lots of Waves and Birthdays!

Gold Beach, OR to Gold Beach OR

This morning we woke up to a beautiful view on the west coast. We all were eager to go to breakfast at 9:00 because our food choices were danishes and donuts! An hour after all of that, we all gathered at the dock to get on the speed boat.

At first it was just a little bit of wind in our faces, but all of a sudden the guide announced that he was going to do one of their spins. We all ended up getting soaked, but it was so much fun! We spent about 4 hours out on the water either eating lunch or getting tossed and turned in the boat!

When we got back everyone wanted to just chill a little so we enjoyed ourselves by tanning and even going in the sauna. Next was dinner, and we were all outside playing games like corn hole and spike ball. We had a cookout with the local fire department, and we enjoyed hotdogs, hamburgers and salad.

After dinner we all went inside to the community area and celebrated the people that have had or will have their birthdays on the trip! The cake was definitely the favorite part of many people!

 The night was slowly coming, but we had to end the night with a bang! The lights dimmed and music began blasting with everyone jumping in the air with glow sticks, light up sunglasses and headbands, and glow wands!

We all began tiring out and as the music stopped we all moved to the dock to watch the sunset. We finished out the night listening to music on our balconies and just enjoying each other’s company. These people, are my people! Goodnight from the west!

Blog written by Rylee Wortman!