Trip Updates

July 13, 2024
2024 Grand Western Tour

GRAND Western Tour Takes on the GRAND Canyon 

Las Vegas, NV to Sedona, AZ

Today we woke up in Las Vegas, ready for another bus ride! We grabbed a quick breakfast at the hotel and got our bags packed and ready. The day started out as we drove from Nevada and onto our next stop: Sedona, Arizona! We picked up lunch on the way for when we got to the Grand Canyon and ate outside on picnic tables enjoying the area around us. Once everyone was done, we filled up our water bottles and began our hike around the Grand Canyon!

The view was incredible and gave us a great place to take lots of photos with our friends and of the scenery. After the hike, we stopped by a gift shop to buy souvenirs, food, and drinks to prepare for the rest of the ride ahead.

We got back on the bus ready to continue our journey to Sedona! Once we got to the hotel, we threw on our bathing suits and got ready for the pizza pool party! We had so much fun eating pizza and popcorn, watching a movie, and playing around in the pool. We all are going to sleep excited for our fun day planned tomorrow!

Blog written by Scarlett Gerrard!