Trip Updates

June 20, 2024
2024 Grand Western Tour

Flying High from the Air Force to the Sky!

Colorado Springs, CO to Colorado Springs, CO

Today we woke up in Colorado Springs, CO! Everyone got their breakfast from the lobby and boarded the bus for a short ride to the Garden of the Gods. We loved seeing all of the different rocks, and many of them were shaped like funny things such as the Kissing Camels.

After that, we visited the Air Force Academy, and everyone enjoyed shopping in the store for sweatshirts, stickers, and postcards.

We had Chick-Fil-A for lunch, which is a favorite back home. Then we visited the top of Pikes Peak, and the trolleys took us up the mountain. We had some awesome doughnuts at the top. At the top it was quite cold and there was snow.

After making our way down, we split into our counselor groups and went to dinner. When we got back to the hotel, we enjoyed cookies for Wil’s birthday. It was a very fun day.

Blog written by Court Valentine!